2023 Minutes

Minutes of 71st Multiple District MD105 Convention 

6th & 7th May 2023


  1. Convention was called to order by SAA Bill O'Neill BO at 9am
  2. The Health & Safety Briefing was given by Lion Andrew Wilcox
  3. The National Anthems of Great Britain & the USA were sung followed by the Lions song.
  4. AJ welcomed all attendees and introduced the top table Lions
  5. CC Alastair Joel AJ introduced the special guests.
  6. AJ acknowledged Leos, and first timers at an MD convention
  7. The In Memoriam service took place, DG Rizvi Rawoof lit the candle of peace, DG Chris Hibbert gave the invocation and a representative of each District placed a rose in the vase. A rose was also placed for partners lost in the last year and one to remember those lost in conflicts around the world.
  8. DG Kavaljit Dev read the Lions Purposes.
  9. DG Lesley Chudley read the Lions Code of Ethics
  10. DG Rav Sandhu read the Lions Mission Statement
  11. Loyal Greetings, messages and apologies were read by BO.
  12. The Convention was formally opened by IPIP Douglas Alexander DA
  13. An attendance update was given by BO - 280 attendees & 151 delegates
  14. MD CNRO Trevor Kell TK gave an explanation of the convention voting procedures.
  15. The minutes of the 2022 MD convention were accepted and signed by AJ proposed PB seconded Rav Sandhu.
  16. There were no matters arising from the minutes
  17. MD Treasurer Philip Goodier PG presented his treasurers report.
    Lion Andy Pemberton asked for an update on the insurance issues, PG replied that he had made a presentation to Council
    PG announced that Council recommended that the MD dues for 2023-24 be set at £35.00.
  18. Resolution number 1 was proposed Lion John Dancer of Horley Lions Club and seconded by Lion John Quincey of Caterham, Oxted & Godstone Lions Club - This Convention requests that the International Board amend the constitutions relating to all Lions Conventions, International, MD and District, to allow electronic voting by delegates unable to attend in addition to voting on the day for delegates present.
    Derek Prior Billericay Lions informed convention that the Royal British Legion has now introduced electronic voting and the numbers voting have increased hugely.
    The resolution was carried by a majority
  19. PG proposed Resolution No 2 – (seconded by DG Dave Ebsworth) - That the Multiple District Dues for Lions Year 2023/2024 be set at a maximum of £40.00 per member per annum, payable in two equal instalments (on 1 August 2023 based on membership at 30 June 2023 and on 1 February 2024 based upon membership at 31 December 2023). The exact amount to be decided at the May 2023 Council of Governors Meetings, but not expected to exceed £35.
    This resolution was passed unanimously
  20. Resolution Number 3 was withdrawn with conventions permission which was passed by a majority
  21. Emergency Resolution Number 4 & 5 were proposed by Sally Marsh and seconded by DG Kevin Hunter
    Resolution 4 - After 15 years as a European competition, it is time to evolve with the reality. Therefore, the age limit for the European Young Ambassador award should be changed form not older then 18 on the first of June of the Forum in which the candidate participates, to not older then 19 on the thirtieth of June of the Forum in which the candidate participates.
    Resolution 5 - After 15 years as a European competition, it is time to evolve with the reality. Reality has become more expensive. To support the laureates of this competition in realising their dreams we ask to raise the prize money to 7500 euro. The prize money is to be divided as follows:
    First prize: 3500 euro
    Second prize 2500 euro
    Third prize 1500 euro
    These resolutions were proposed, seconded and voted en-bloc.
    Chris Hibbert New Century Lions asked if the wording should be amended to 'not have reached their 19th birthday by 30th June'
    The resolutions were passed unanimously
  22. Council Secretary Peter Burnett presented his report in which he commended the hard work of all the staff in the Birmingham office. He especially commended the manager Brigitte Green for her support and help during the year. PB reminded convention how lucky we are in that Brigitte does not only work 9 till 5 but is available by phone most evenings and weekends. PB also commended Jan Dempsey to convention and informed that in September she will have been employed by Lions International for 25 years.
  23. AJ asked for all the MD Officer reports to be accepted en-bloc & thanked all the Officers for their hard work this year.
    Nigel Ware – (Garforth & District) asked the Wateraid & Sight Savers officers if we still get co-funding from the government. Patrick Hamblin (Reading) as a trustee of Sight Savers assured convention that every year an appeal letter is sent rather than bombard clubs. We have given nearly £4million from Lions clubs since the start of the appeal. We no longer get co-funding but please support our own trust. The Wateraid question was answered by Phil Nathan (Centennial 1000) as GST chair – it is no longer an MD supported appeal.
  24. AJ invited our guests from other countries to address convention.
    AJ donated Marinus (Netherlands), Philipp (Germany), Gerald (Ireland) & Jean (France)with a picture of Newcastle, a paperweight and his friendship banner.
    All four visitors then addressed convention
  25. David Pope DP gave a presentation on LCIF.
    Presentations were made to Christine Rowe, Dave Wilson, Anne Huntley, Roy Chambers, Ian Heffner, Jackie Robinson
    AJ presented his Lionistic mum Jane Codwright with a bouquet and card to mark her birthday
  26. BO announced a break in proceedings to allow all attendees to watch the Coronation of King Charles 3rd and to enjoy lunch.
  27. Convention was reconvened & called to order by BO at 14.30pm
  28. AJ welcomed everybody back after the coronation.
    We have served as an MD at least 230 million people
  29. Phil Nathan PN gave a presentation on the work of GST
    2000 people screened in Nairobi, 500 Children screened in Serbia
    We have just re-signed our partnership with Special Olympics
    70,000 trees planted to celebrate 70 years of Queen Elizabeths reign
    Life skills we be back as a digital tool
    Service is the key to membership
    Convention were shown the GST map which is available on the MD website
  30. A picture montage of GLT's activities was played to convention
  31. A presentation was made about the Wild Tribe Heroes environmental children's books by their author Ellie Jackson (Centennial 100 Club)
    EJ outlined how to use the books to access primary schools
    3 books on plastic pollution
    3 books on climate change
    Books can lead to clubs performing litter picks with the schools.
  32. A presentation on membership was made by the GMT officer Alan Hall AH
    Over past three years we have lost 61 clubs but only 7 are formed.
    Membership gone down by a 1000 but this year we have shown a small growth
    Aim is to recruit 1000 new members each year
    Limit number leaving to 650, leaves a net gain of 350
    Challenge set for each club to have a net membership gain of 1 member
  33. A picture montage of GMT's activities was played
  34. A presentation on leadership was made my the GLT officer Stewart Sherman-Kahn SSK
    Leadership is about looking forwards.
    SSK talked about the need for succession planning.
    AJ will take over the GLT role from next Lions year.
    We now have 5 LCIP trainers & 2 FDI trainers in the MD.
    SSK thanked every one of his trainers, graduates and especially Brigitte
  35. A presentation on New Voices was made by Caroline Martin
    A group of the New Voices team informed Convention what being a part of the New Voices team meant to them.
  36. A presentation on LIBRA was given by Gemma Driscoll
    Gemma introduced a video from Libra
    This was followed by a very personal presentation from Gemma about the effects of Libra funded research.
  37. A presentation on International service was given by PG and Jacquie Goodier, PN & Manjit Gahir.
    Four MD105 Lions were part of a group at the first Lions International Service week. Many service activities took place including -
    750 Ball 4 Alls were presented to a school for the blind in Nairobi.
    At the Joytown special school they undertook several activities including an eye screening
    At the Home of the Heroes a Special Olympics health school a health screening event took place.
    They visited a girl's school where girls could not attend one week a month due to the lack of feminine hygiene products. Each girl was given a year's supply to keep them in school and then the children talked to the team.
    20,000 lives were affected by the Lions that week.
  38. Geoff Leeder GL introduced our international guest IPIP Douglas Alexander DA
  39. DA addressed convention
    He commended the MD for their hard work.
    He was very impressed by the presentations throughout the day.
    The pay cheque for our work is the smile on the face of the recipients.
    We have a target of 1.5 million members globally by 2027 by a project called '1.5'.
    We must share our success stories.
    MD 105 has received $9,479,696 from LCIF in grants since its inception.
    Thank you for exceeding our LCIF fundraising goals by over 240%.
  40. KH proposed a vote of thanks to DA.
  41. Lions International & LCIF awards were made by GL, PN & DA at dinner as we were running late
  42. Convention was ended for the day at 17.05
  43. On Sunday morning 7th May at 9.30 BO called convention to order
  44. Convention were asked to receive the following
    PID Lion Phil Nathan MBE & Lion Heidi
    PID Lion Geoff Leeder & Lion May
    CC Lion Alastair Joel & Lion Gemma
  45. The current Council of Governors was introduced
  46. Council Chairman Elect Lion David Pope & Clare were introduced
  47. Council of Governors for the year 2023- 2024 were introduced
  48. CCE David Pope DP addressed convention
  49. A presentation on Air Ambulance was made by Amanda Simmister.
    Amanda thanked Lions for their support of all the air ambulances throughout the MD.
    A video showing the role of both the helicopter and their rapid response vehicles was shown.
    AJ thanked Amanda and presented her with his banner
  50. AJ recognised those Lions who have served for 50 or more years.
  51. Mandy Broadbent gave a presentation on our PR successes
    Mandy outlined the PR resources available to Clubs
  52. An update on his work in Ukraine as a Lion was given by Lion Philipp Blobel of Augsberg Lions Club in Germany. He has organised and taken part in 10 humanitarian missions to Ukraine.
    Chris Hibbert proposed a vote of thanks to Philipp.
  53. A presentation on the Lions MD105 Brain Tumour Research & Paediatric Cancer Foundation was made by DG Mary Ann Woodman.
  54. A presentation on our youth programmes was made by PDG Doreen Allen
    She introduced the following Youth Officers –
    Colin Marsh presented on Young Leaders in Service
    David Skinner presented on ROAR
    Jackie Williams presented on youth exchange
    Doreen Allen presented on Leos.
  55. A presentation on medic alert and MIAB was made by John Sutherland & Brigitte Green BG
    David McKirdy gave an update on why the cost of bottles has had to increase.
  56. A presentation on our Foundation was made by SSK
    Dave Ebsworth informed convention how the Foundation helped following a disaster in Jersey.
    Funds are available – please ask!
  57. Presentations of the following trophies were made by AJ & BG
    MD travelling Lion competition – Stoke-on-Trent Lions Club
    Scrap Book – Llandudno Lions Club
    Photo competition – Lion Margaret Lamb -Crewkerne Lions Club
    Bert Mason Memorial Trophy was awarded by PIDs GL & PN to Lion Yorky Tuke – Ringwood & Fordingbridge Lions Club
    International Presidents Certificates were awarded to PDG Chris Iles, Lion Laura Scrobel, Lion Susan Godstone & Lion Yorky Tuke
  58. Videos from the winners of the MD Young ambassador competition, the Shipshape Competition & the runner up of the Young Ambassador competition (who will be representing us in Klagenfurt at Europa Forum) were presented to convention by Sally Marsh.
    Sally challenged each District to support Young Ambassador 2024 – the 50th anniversary.
  59. The 2023 MD Convention Chairman Guch Manku introduced his committee
  60. GM presented the convention flag to the 2024 MD Events Officer Dave Ebsworth DE
  61. DE made a presentation on the 2024 convention in Weston Super Mare 3rd-5th May 2024
  62. PB proposed a vote of thanks to AJ
  63. AJ gave his closing remarks to convention
  64. BO gave his final announcements
  65. The closing ceremony took place at 12.58