Council Chairman Portfolio Reports
David Pope, Council Chair
I am delighted to be working with CCE Lion Kavaljit Dev to facilitate a smooth handover of responsibilities at the end of this Lionistic Year. CCE Lion Kav is a hard working Lion who I know will bring her own style to this incredible role, she can always count on my support.
MD Convention
We have a really exciting weekend ahead of us at sunny Weston-super-Mare, the great committee, chaired by PDG Lion Dave Ebsworth, have worked tirelessly for you to ensure that we all have a fab weekend.
At the time of writing this report we have 184 people booked for the Friday Night Fun Night and 223 people booked for our Banquet & Ball, we currently have 127 delegates registered.
We have a very full agenda for the Convention weekend, with 6 resolutions and 2 yes, 2 keynote speakers. I am delighted to welcome IPID & Board Appointee Lion Teresa Dineen from District 133 and Lion David Evangelista from the Centennial 100 Champions Lions Club, both are accomplished speakers, I am certain they will inspire us all to do even more than what we currently do.
Lions Day with the United Nations
At the Lions UN Day, held less than a month ago, we were delighted to hear from our 3rd International Vice President Lion Mark Lyon, Maeve Patterson, from the UN Refugee Agency, and Adam Blaze, who is the CEO of Activity Alliance, about our great relationship and our amazing Young Ambassador, Peace Poster & Peace Essay winners. We also had an inspiring update on our Lions Vision Screening from (now) DGE Lion Stu Young, this is an absolute game changing opportunity for the Lions of the British Isles, it will also be critical to our Youth strategy for the future.
Thanks to everyone who helped to organise such a splendid day.
Lions Portal
Key dates
- April 12 and beyond: MyLion, MyLCI, and Insights are no longer available.
- April 15 – May 13: Invitations to access the new Lion Portal via email on a rolling basis to existing Lion Account users.
- May 13 and beyond: All visitors attempting to access the previous digital tools will be automatically redirected to the new portal.
By the time this report has been read, the Lions Portal will be with us, we must do all we can to support our Lions Leaders to embrace this change. MD GLT & District GLT Officers will be there to offer training & guidance on the new system in every District.
I attended the hugely inspiring GST meeting on Saturday 13th January, GST is at the heart of our MD, continually identifying and developing great service projects for our clubs to support. We all joined Lions to make a positive difference to our communities, this great team are working tirelessly to give our clubs the information and detail required to take on projects locally – Thanks for all you do, I will also have attended the April GST meeting to further demonstrate my full support for this great team.
I really look forward to continuing to work with Council and Vice-Council, our National Head Quarters staff, MD Officers and the Lions of MD105 to make this a remarkable year for us all.
Constitutions, Nominations and Resolutions
Trevor Kell
This year we have one resolution which has been submitted by a Club, the remainder having been submitted by Council.
It is very important that Clubs can submit resolutions to the MD (Multiple District) Convention, and thus directly influence the future of our Organisation. There may well be something that Club members believe might improve the running of the MD (or even their own District). Good ideas are not only the prerogative of your Council of Governors. It is after all, 'our' organisation. Each District has their own CNRO (Constitutions, Nominations and Resolutions Officer) who should be willing to help a Club to formulate a resolution. I too, am only a telephone call or email away to offer advice.
The second route to influence the Organisation is to have your own District Convention debate a resolution to change or add something. Again, this will start as an idea from an individual member or a small group of Club members. Your District can then take that resolution to the MD to be debated at an MD Convention.
The timetable for submitting Resolutions and Amendments and guidance on the procedures is circulated with the Convention Call which goes to all Clubs in early August.
Please feel free to stand up in Convention and debate or question the Resolutions being presented for you to consider. If you don't understand it then ask, there is a good chance that others in Convention don't understand it either. Only Club delegates may vote, but any member can debate or question the resolutions.
Throughout the year I have advised Council, individual DG's District Officers and Club members on various Constitutional and procedural matters. My contact details are in the Directory available on line, and I am always happy to help, usually getting back to members within 48 hours.
MD Strategic Development
MD Events Officer Report to Convention 2024
PDG Lion Dave Ebsworth
This has been my first year as the MD Events officer and I have found it enjoyable working with a team of experienced officers who have made up this year's Convention team and it has been a pleasure working with the host team from the Weston-super-Mare area.
My goal, when I took the job was to secure venues for the forthcoming years and I am pleased that we have secured Llandudno for 2025, and are in negotiations for the following year. The management team from Weston have made us an offer to return in 2027 on very favourable terms.
The one thing I have noticed is that due to the cost of living increasing and other factors the venue costs are increasing greater than we have seen before. I have looked at venues in the south central and around Birmingham area. The cost to hire venues are way out of the Lions price range, an example is one venue in the midlands wanted £9,000 per day and that was discounted and one in the south nearly the same, but when you look at venues north of Birmingham, they appear cheaper. I believe that we must review Convention in its present format as it is members money that goes into our AGM.
This year's Convention as we all know by now is at Weston-super-Mare where I have been assured by locals that you will see the sea at some stage, but during my visits so far, I haven't seen it, still time. The teams have worked hard during the year to give you a good Convention with good entertainment on both nights and two different venues which I hope you will enjoy.
I know that Council Chair David has put a lot into the content for both days with a few issues along the way with guests not being able to make it, but I am sure that you will enjoy the two days.
I am able to tell you that on both Nights the attendance is slightly up on last year which is a good sign, with 212 on host night max is 220 and 251 on Banquet and Ball max is 260. I would like to see these numbers grow each year.
I would like to take this opportunity to say "have a great convention" and I look forward to meeting up with new Lions and guests, catching up with old friends and making your Convention experience one that you will want to come back in 2025. Our team is there to help you.
Patron Liaison Report to Convention 2024
PDG Lion Patrick Hamblin
Patron Liaison Officer
In conjunction with Lion Brigitte Green at National Headquarters, I organised and issued 106 certificates for Clubs and Members that have achieved 50, 60 or 70 years of service. All these certificates were individually signed by our Patron.
On behalf of the Multiple District, I sent Christmas greetings to Her Royal Highness and to her Household.
A suitable plaque was provided to mark the tree planting at Bagshot Park carried out in March 2023.
Following receipt of an invitation from the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh to a Garden Party at The Palace of Holyroodhouse in July 2023, the Chairperson of the Council nominated a member to attend to represent the Multiple District.
I have been endeavouring to arrange for our Patron to attend the 50th Charter celebration of Wokingham Lions Club, where our Patron has been an Honorary Member for 20 years. Unfortunately, due to the changed situation in the Royal Family, this has not been possible. As this our Patron's own Club, I am hoping that a congratulatory note will be made available.
I have been concerned to receive from the Office of our Patron a small number of requests from Clubs for our Patron to attend various Club functions. Our Patron is the Patron of over 80 charities, and the agreement that was made when she assumed the appointment was that she would not attend Club or District functions. It is important that all Clubs are reminded that no communications should be made direct to the office of our Patron.
Vulnerable and Safeguarding Officer
Lion Christine Munday, MD Vulnerable Persons Officer
This year has seen an increase in members agreeing to checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service, thank you.
After a long discussion with the DBS government office it was recommended that all Lions should be checked, with new members being checked as they join. This keeps us compliant in DBS eyes. It also keeps our clubs in a position to deal with all members of the public: vulnerable people, children, adults and so on. The public know they are dealing with fully checked people and are safe.
Please keep coming forward if your last check is over four years ago. Do it now and then sign up for the annual renewal, which means no more form filling!!!.
All relevant information is on the website.
Next year, it is hoped that the cogs of reporting will run even more smoothly: Club VPO – District VPO – MD VPO and we will see even more positive results.
Data Protection Report to Convention 2024
Lion Robyn Banks, MD Data Protection Officer
This is my fourth full year in post.
This year I have had much support from the appointed officers in A, CN, N and SC – I should like to publicly show my gratitude to these officers for their work with me in their respective Districts. I am the Officer myself for CE, CW and SE as well.
This continues to cause issues for clubs and I advise when approached.
A Privacy Notice is a legal requirement to be drafted for each club/District/Multiple District – regardless of whether or not a website is in place. I continue to run a rolling programme for those clubs who have not yet approached me to offer my services. It should be noted that I conduct this work for Lions Clubs free of charge, but it is my professional integrity on the line constantly. Any ADVICE given is based on 24 years experience in the field and with the backing of my business professional indemnity insurance – no such thing as a "silly question"!
PRIVACY NOTICES: To date I have completed the requisite documentation for clubs as follows:
DISTRICT A – 15/64 clubs DISTRICT CE – 38/84 clubs
DISTRICT CN – 8/80 clubs DISTRICT CW – 32/95 clubs
DISTRICT N – 13/70 clubs DISTRICT SC – 20/56 clubs
DISTRICT SE – 27/52 clubs DISTRICT SW – 9/52 clubs
Some MD Officers charge the MD for their services – I do not do so. However, it is worth mentioning that, whilst I am a volunteer like others – were I to charge for my services to Lions, these Privacy Notices equate to 162 clubs (of those currently "open") x £150 (my usual charges for a charity) = £24,300.
I am happy to continue to provide advice to clubs whenever they may request it – whether it is answering questions, giving advice on utilising data or providing appropriately-worded documentation. I am happy – especially if this can be achieved electronically – to "visit" clubs, zones, regions or District meetings to present on the matter.
There is a selection of Articles on MD website which provide guidance on the ICO fee, Privacy Notices and give the suggested wording for Email footers, forms (whether on a website or on paper).
If any Lion believes that there has been a breach of Data Protection/UK GDPR laws involving their data through the Lions organisation, they should report it to either the District Officer or myself (or both) for investigation.
There is an International Agreement in place with LCI at Oak Brook to allow us to legally utilise the Online System (now the Portal). Unfortunately, the laws have been amended and requires amendment. I continue to progress this Agreement to signature with Oak Brook. This Agreement needs to be in place to provide the framework for the Clubs, Districts, the MD and LCI to process the data of individual Lions in 105 appropriately for membership purposes and support the service whether at local, national or international level. Once agreed and signed, the intention is to publish this Agreement for Lions to be reassured as to why and how their data are processed.
Health and Safety Report to Convention 2024
Lion Andrew Wilcox
MD Health and Safety Officer
1. Decision Required of Council - Nil
2. Justification for Decision Required N/A
3. Action taken since last Report
I have responded to requests for assistance from HQ, Districts and Clubs via email or telephone calls.
I updated the MD105 Health & Safety policy document.
The document 'Health and Safety Guidance for Lions' – was published on the MD website. This will again be reviewed and updated as necessary.
I have visited the main Weston-Super-Mare MD Convention buildings (The Winter Gardens/Grand Pier and Royal Hotel) to conduct an initial site risk assessment. No major issues were identified.
I have received notification of a small number of minor accidents occurring this year. No enforcement action resulted.
Following on from the previously identified need to improve the standard of risk assessments carried out for Lions activities. Council gave the opportunity to all Districts to send 2 delegates on a 3 Day "IOSH Managing for Safety" training event. This was an assessed course and all the attendees passed. Congratulations to each of them for attending and also agreeing to roll out training to Clubs within their Districts. Our Insurers were also impressed with the calibre of the people who attended the event. Work is in hand to produce a standard training presentation for delivery locally.
International Convention Committee Report to Convention 2024
International Convention Chair - PCC Lion Philip Goodier
The 2024 International Convention, the 106th, is scheduled to run from June 21-25, 2024 – Melbourne, Australia.
Jacqueline and I made the pre-Convention visit to Melbourne in March, staying at the delegation hotel, the Rendezvous, in the city centre. Melbourne is best seen on foot and. It is 20 minutes easy walk from the Rendezvous to the MCEC. Shuttle buses will also be available.
A guide to Melbourne has been prepared following the visit and a copy circulated to all registrants, for their information. A copy is attached for the information of Council.
Melbourne, or Narrm as it is known to the traditional owners of the area, the Wurundjeri and Boonwurrung people, is stylish, cosmopolitan, and fabulously eclectic. Melbourne is often considered the cultural capital of Australia and it is urban Australia at its best.
There are many eating establishments, to suit all tastes and pockets, within a few minutes' walk of the hotel.
We met with and had a good conversation with PID Tony Benbow, Convention Host Committee Chair. We were advised that, as at 22nd March 2024, there were 10,500 registrants for the Convention and 11,000 are anticipated to attend. We expressed our thanks to him for his support in arranging the visit and hospitality.
We visited the MCEC, where all events will be held, and were given a comprehensive tour of all areas by Staff at the Centre. The halls to be used for plenary sessions are on the level, so, repeater screens will be placed throughout so that registrants can clearly see what is taking place. There will be no arena style seating.
We visited the Crown Metropol Hotel, where the District Governors Elect will be housed. The Metropol is not linked to the MCEC by a walkway but is short walk away. The DGE Seminar is a one-day event on Friday 21st June in the MCEC.
We met with staff at the Crown Promenade Hotel, where our Reception will be held on the evening of Monday 24th June. The three hotels within the Crown complex are linked by walkways.
Convention Registration
- From January 13 to June 16, 2024, the registration fee is US$265.
- From June 17 2024 and including on-site registration, the fee is US$340.
Two 'Melbourne' Newsletters have been circulated with a third currently 'in draft'.
The Briefing Meeting will take place at 10:30 on Friday 21st June in Double Tree 1 & 2 on the first floor of the Doubletree Hotel, Flinders Street; less than 5 minutes' walk from the Rendezvous Hotel.
The Parade of Nations will be held on Saturday 22nd June; with step-off being at 10:00. Given that Convention takes place in Australia's winter months the route will be shorter than in recent years at 1.1Km.
We walked the route which will process north on Birdwood Avenue & Linlithgow Avenue, a tree-lined street running through the beautiful Kings Domain parkland. The parade route is approximately 1.1 km (0.6 mi) from step-off to parade-end on a gently falling gradient.
Shuttle buses will be available to return participants to the MCEC at the end of the parade.
Information is not available at the time of drafting this report, as to our position number or step off time.
The MD corporate identity (uniform!) for Convention will be:
white polo shirt with blue/red Lions' head image, navy-blue trousers, black shoes. Because the Convention is taking place in Australia's winter, a red shell jacket and beanie hat will also be worn, for warmth.
The shell jacket, beanie hat and polo shirt are available to order from HQ and can be personalised.
The International Show, on Saturday 22nd June will take place at the MCEC. And will feature the Elton John Experience, hit after hit is undoubtedly assured.
The British Isles reception will be held on Monday 24th June in the Crown Promenade Hotel from 21:00 – 23:59.
There will be a meeting for registrants at the MD Convention to provide information and answer questions.
Further information will be provided to registrants in advance of Convention.
The members of the International Convention Committee have held two online meetings and communicate regularly.
I communicate regularly with the MD Appointed Travel Agents, JTA Travel, and am aware that they have already facilitated travel arrangements for many individuals.
We look forward to meeting with and welcoming all those from MD105 who are travelling to Melbourne.
Chair, International Convention Committee