Delegates and Alternates

This year for MD105 Convention we are once again using online registration of voting delegates representing your Club at Convention. Please read the notes below and then click on the link which will take you to a page where you can enter your details and then simply add the names of your voting delegates attending Convention. If no-one is representing your club, please submit a nil return. You will need an access code (Coupon code), which will be sent to you from National Headquarters.

Important notes:-

  1. The International Constitution provides for Delegate entitlement at Convention to be based on Club Membership Records held at International Office as on the 1st day of the month last preceding that month in which Convention is held (i.e. 1st  April 2024). Only members who have been enrolled for one year and a day in the Club can be counted. Therefore, any members who have joined or transferred in since 30th  March, must be deducted from your Club's membership figures for from your Club's membership figures for this purpose.
  2. NOTE Due to the Constitutional Change from LCI, Discounted Members (i.e. family members or student members) must be deducted from your Club's membership figures for this purpose.
  3. In order to allow sufficient time for the preparation of voting documentation, club membership figures as at 31st  January 2024 (excluding any members who have joined since 30th March 2023 and Discounted members) should be used initially to determine your Club's entitlement. Any reduction in membership between the 31st January 2024 and the 1st April 2024 must be advised, in writing, to the Credentials and Elections Officer by Friday 19th April 2024 in order that any final adjustments to your Club's voting entitlement can be made.
  4. Your Club Delegate and Alternate entitlement is ONE Delegate and ONE Alternate for every TEN members or, major part thereof, calculated in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 1 above as follows:

    Members Delegates Members Delegates Members Delegates
    1 to 14 1 15 to 24 2 25 to 34 3
    35 to 44 4 45 to 54 5 55 to 64 6

    Every Club in 'Good Standing' (including those formed since 30th  March 2022) shall be entitled to at least one Delegate and one Alternate. International Directors Past and Present and current District Governors are afforded automatic Delegate status by the International Constitution and do not count against their Club's delegate quota. They will be registered separately at MD Convention and should NOT be included on the form attached to this letter.
  5. A Club is in 'Good Standing' only if all Dues to District, Multiple District and International have been settled. The MD Treasurer will notify the MD Credentials and Elections Officer of any Clubs not in 'Good Standing' as at 30th March 2024. However, delinquent dues may be paid and good standing acquired up to fifteen (15) days prior to the close of credential certification. (i.e. Friday 19th  April 2024) If evidence of such payment is produced to the MD Credentials and Elections Officer (who may be contacted through the Delegate Registration Desk at Convention), Delegates may be certified and permitted to vote. In the case of disputed accounts with International Office, evidence such as invoice(s), payment counterfoil(s), etc. shall be produced to demonstrate that no debt exists.
  6. Your Club delegates must be notified to National Headquarters using this electronic method by 10th  March 2024. Failure to do so may affect your Club's ability to vote at Convention. Please remind your voting delegates they will need some form of identification for use at registration.
  7. If no one from your Club will be attending Convention, please indicate this on the form and return it to your District Secretary by the due date specified above.
  8. Please also indicate the number of members of your Club who are expected to be attending Convention, but who are not registered as Delegates or Alternates and who are NOT attending any Convention Social Functions in the space provided on the Form. This will enable MD Headquarters to provide sufficient Convention Brochures for such members.
  9. The Credentials and Elections Officer can be contacted via National Headquarters
  10. If you need any help completing this electronic registration please call Lions Clubs National Headquarters on 0121 441 4544 or email

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