Multiple District Convention Standing Orders
1 The Chairman shall have discretion in selecting speakers; in deciding on the number of speakers to any resolution/amendment; and in terminating discussion whenever he considers it appropriate.
2 The Chairman being entirely neutral shall not be a delegate of his Club and if at any time he wishes to express a personal opinion on a matter under discussion he shall vacate the chair for this purpose.
3 Resolutions to be taken as read.
4 On the Chairman standing any speaker shall yield to the chair and immediately resume his seat.
5 (a) Any delegate wishing to speak on any resolution/amendment or other matter of business must use a microphone, announce his name and Club, and address the Chair.
(b) The Multiple District Constitution, Nominations and Resolutions Officer shall be exempted from announcing his name and Club when addressing Convention in the direct course of his duties with the proviso that he shall announce his name and Club on the first such occasion.
(c) If a member of the Council wishes to speak on any resolution/ amendment or any other matter of business he shall state whether he is representing the views of Council or otherwise.
Delegate to speak once only
6 (a) Subject only to the provision of By-Law 9 a delegate shall not speak more than once to the same resolution/amendment without the consent of Convention.
(b) Only the Chairman, or the mover of a resolution exercising his right of reply, shall speak more than once on any resolution.
Time limits for speeches
7 (a) The proposer of a resolution/amendment will be permitted a maximum of three minutes to put his case, and after doing so shall formally move the resolution/amendment. Normally the seconder will second the resolution without being called to the rostrum and may exercise the right to speak in the debate by ‘catching the eye of the Chairman’. At the conclusion of the debate and before a vote is taken the proposer of a resolution shall have the right of reply for the purpose of answering questions or clarifying points raised. He will not be permitted to introduce fresh arguments and shall not be allowed more than two minutes for this purpose.
(b) The mover of an amendment shall not be entitled to the right of reply except when an original resolution has been displaced by an amendment which has become a substantive resolution in accordance with By-Law
(c) when the right of reply ensues to the mover of the amendment.
8 (a) With the exception of the time limits stated in Standing Order 6 (a) every speaker in general debate will be limited to two minutes and must direct his speech strictly to the report/resolution/amendment under discussion.
(b) The times specified for speakers shall be exceeded only with the approval of Convention.
Application to District Conventions
9 These Standing Orders shall apply to any District Convention where any matters covered in these Standing Orders are not dealt with satisfactorily in the relevant District Constitution, By-Laws or Standing Orders.
Suspension of Standing Orders
10 Any one or more of these Standing Orders may be suspended by resolution of Convention in relation to a specific item of business properly before Convention provided that at least two-thirds of the delegates present and voting shall vote for the resolution.