Notes to accompany Call for Convention 2024 issued to Clubs and Districts
A copy of the Official Convention Call is attached. Please ensure that this is brought to the attention of your members as soon as possible.
Please note that the closing date for the submission of Resolutions and Nominations to the Appointed Officer is Sunday 31st December 2023. All such Resolutions and Nominations which are constitutionally accepted for debate are expected to be circulated to all Clubs on, or before, Friday 2nd February 2024. This may be by electronic means.
Any amendments your Club or District may wish to submit to any of the Resolutions so accepted and circulated shall be submitted to the Appointed Officer on, or before, Friday 15th March 2024.
A final list of Resolutions and, where appropriate, Amendments, accepted for debate is expected to be circulated to Clubs on, or before, Friday 22nd March 2024. This circulation may be by electronic means.
Clubs or Districts wishing to submit Resolution(s) / Amendments for consideration at the said Convention must submit them, in writing, by the relevant closing date stated above to the Appointed Officer:
MD105 Constitutions, Nominations and Resolutions Officer, Lion Trevor Kell, [Please obtain address and email from MD Directory]
Please note that it is the responsibility of the Club or District submitting a Resolution / Amendment to ensure that the same has actually been received by the Appointed Officer on or before the closing date stated above. Under no circumstances will the above closing dates be extended.
Clubs or Districts proposing Resolutions / Amendments may submit an explanatory note to accompany the Resolution. If no Explanatory Note is included with the Resolution / Amendment, it will be assumed that the proposing Club / District does not wish to use this facility. Such notes cannot be submitted at a later date.
Any Resolution / Amendment which has a financial implication to the Multiple District MUST be accompanied by FULL explanation of such implications.
Clubs proposing Resolutions / Amendments must arrange to have them seconded by another Club and provide written evidence of that other Club's agreement to second the said Resolution / Amendment. Such written evidence MUST accompany the notification of the said Resolution / Amendment to the Appointed Officer. The notification to the Appointed Officer must also include the names of the Lions who will be present at Convention to formally propose and second the said Resolution / Amendment. These Lions MUST be Registered Delegates of their respective Clubs as only Registered Delegates may formally propose and second Resolutions / Amendments at Convention.
Multiple District Officers cannot submit Resolutions to Convention in their own right. They may do so on behalf of their Club, their District or the Council of Governors, if so agreed. Multiple District Officers wishing the Council of Governors to submit a Resolution for debate at Convention, should notify the Appointed Officer of the substance of the said Resolution on or before Saturday 31st December 2023 AND detail the same in their report to Council, with a recommendation that said Resolution be proposed by or, on behalf of, Council at Convention.
The Appointed Officer is available to answer queries on the process of submitting Resolutions / Amendments to Convention and to assist in the drafting of same. However, Clubs and Districts wishing to take advantage of this facility should ensure they do so in a sufficiently timely fashion to comply with the above-mentioned closing dates.
Guidance on the submission of Resolutions
A resolution to be submitted should first be agreed by the Club or District wishing to propose the resolution. This should be done by being proposed and seconded and after any debate, voted upon
Clubs are encouraged to seek advice from their District CNRO prior to putting the resolution to their membership for a vote.
In accordance with Article 48 of 'Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised' the actual wording of the resolution proposed MUST be recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the Club or District along with the decision made in regard to the proposed resolution. This record should form a separate paragraph of the minutes.
If the proposed resolution will have a financial effect on the Multiple District, then an explanation of that financial effect MUST be sent with the resolution when it is sent to the MD CNRO at the address circulated in the Convention Call.
If there may be a financial effect on the Multiple District, then Clubs and Districts are strongly recommended to seek advice from the Council Treasurer in regard to that effect to assist in preparation of the explanation as above. If the financial explanation is deemed to be inadequate by the Council Treasurer when presented to Council, he may advise Council that the resolution be rejected.
If the resolution is from a club, then another club must second the resolution. Both clubs must have someone in attendance at the MD Convention to propose and second the resolution to Convention in person.
The seconding club must also record the actual wording of the resolution in their minutes as above along with the decision made in regard to it.
The Proposing and Seconding Clubs must submit the wording of the resolution on Club Headed notepaper with any explanation included on the proposing clubs' letter. These letters to be signed by the club President and Secretary. These may be submitted electronically.
Clubs are encouraged to seek advice on the wording of proposed resolutions from their own District CNRO prior to submitting a proposed resolution to the Multiple District CNRO.
Please bear in mind that the later a resolution is submitted, then the less time is available for consultation. Please also be mindful that in common with perhaps every Lion in the Country, December is a very busy time for the CNRO.
If you do not receive an acknowledgement from the MD CNRO within a reasonable time, please contact the MD CNRO. Always remember that it is the responsibility of the Club or District to ensure the proposed resolution is received by the date specified in the Convention Call.
The MD CNRO MUST be provided with a copy of the minutes the Club or District on behalf of the Council of Governors to confirm that the wording of the resolution submitted is as it was agreed by the Club/District.
Guidance on the submission of Amendments to Resolutions
Any amendment to be submitted should first be agreed by the Club or District wishing to propose the amendment. This should be done by being proposed and seconded and after any debate, voted upon.
Clubs are encouraged to seek advice from their District CNRO prior to putting the amendment to their membership for a vote.
In accordance with §48 of 'Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised' the actual wording of the amendment proposed MUST be recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the Club or District along with the decision made in regard to the proposed amendment. This record should form a separate paragraph of the minutes.
If the proposed amendment will have a financial effect (other than that already explained in the resolution) on the Multiple District, then an explanation of that financial effect MUST be sent with the amendment when it is sent to the MD CNRO at the address circulated in the Convention Call.
If there may be a financial effect (other than that already explained in the resolution) on the Multiple District, then Clubs and Districts are recommended to seek advice from the Council Treasurer in regard to that effect to assist in preparation of the explanation as above. If the financial explanation is deemed to be inadequate by the Council Treasurer when presented to Council, he may advise Council that the amendment be rejected.
If the amendment is from a Club, then another Club must second the amendment. Both Clubs must have someone in attendance at the MD Convention to propose and second the amendment to Convention in person.
The seconding club MUST also record the actual wording of the amendment in their minutes as above along with the decision made in regard to it.
The Proposing and Seconding Clubs must submit the wording of the amendment on Club Headed notepaper with any explanation included on the proposing clubs' letter. These letters to be signed by the club President and Secretary.
NB. An amendment may NOT negate the Resolution but may add, delete or change words and/or figures within the resolution or explanation to that resolution.
If you do not receive an acknowledgement from the CNRO within a reasonable time, please contact the MD CNRO. Always remember that it is the responsibility of the Club or District to ensure the proposed amendment is received by the date specified.
The MD CNRO MUST be provided with a copy of the minutes the Club or District on behalf of the Council of Governors to confirm that the wording of the amendment submitted is as it was agreed by the Club/District.